Vision and Mission

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Becoming the main choice of integrated Healthcare Company and generates sustainable value.


  1. Conducting business activities in chemical and pharmaceutical industry, trading and distribution network, retail pharmaceutical and healthcare services as well as assets optimization.
  2. Managing the Company in Good Corporate Governance and operational excellence supported with professional Human Capital (HC).
  3. Providing added values and benefit for all stakeholders.

Core Values

Based on Circular Letter of the State-Owned Enterprises Ministry No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 dated July 1, 2020, regarding the Core Values of Human Resources of State-Owned Enterprises, the Company establishes AKHLAK as the work culture (core values) of the Kimia Farma Group, replacing ICARE. The acronym for the core values AKHLAK stands for Amanah (Trustworthy), Kompeten (Competent), Harmonis (Harmonious), Loyal, Adaptif (Adaptive), and Kolaboratif (Collaborative), serving as the identity and cohesive element of the work culture that supports sustained performance improvement in each State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN).



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